Good evening everyone, I hope you had nice unevenful days today. I myself wish I could say the same. As you know it being Monday, was the day to find out about the "House". I have been up since 6 am and running pretty much since then. Been on the phone with 4 banks and personally visited 1 twice today. I was called by the Mortgage lender this morning and told that there were several things that needed to be cleared up to make the loan happen. So I scurried up all the funds I could and set off to clear those things up. Mind you most of these were residue's from when my husband and I were first seperated. His depts. I guess he had a credit card that was purged. I settled it for $300.00 and paid half now half on the 3rd after my SSI check comes. Cleared 2 bank accounts that bounced from Gawd knows when totaling almost $270.00 and managed to finally be able to open a bank account with out being prosecuted for check systems. YAY ME!. After doing all this and jumping through every hoop put forth. The realitor calls and wanted to withdrawl the bid. I said no. She calls this afternoon and said that HUD never took the bid either way. So we take it as a no go. It is still listed as open for bidding. I guess we can up our offer. But now the Lender is calling me. I did everything HE said to make the loan happen. Not good enough. I have to have $3000. in the bank ASAP to show I can handle the closing costs and 2 months mortgage so I can have the loan now. Knowing I just paid through the nose all these bills to make the path for the loan. Where on Gods green earth am I going to get the "gift" of $3000.00 . The Lender said "Gift" I can rebid on the house but I need the "gift" .. If someome knows where the "gift" is. Please let me know. As I can not find it. I can not manage to make it happen. There is nothing left here not even food to eat. I have sold it all to do what I have and sold things I should not have to get what I did. Lord Help me I did what I could. .
So.. I guess after the Fire Marshall is done with the house we are in.. we are going to be sooo homeless it is will be not even worth our sanity. I can say I tried. I failed but at least I tried. I feel for my family and for dragging those I love with me into this mess.
Thanks everyone for the prayers you gave us. They all were deeply moving and loved by each.
~ huggles~
Мартынова_Танча: Много варенья
3 hours ago